
SLOVO A SMYSL 2019 (16) 32

Od kritických ohlasů k životu literárního díla

David Skalický




From Critical Receptions to the Life of a Literary Work

This study returns to the question of concretization and the project of exploring the life of a literary work, as considered by its ‘founders’ Roman Ingarden and Felix Vodička. Considering the distinction between Vodička’s and Ingarden’s conceptions, the author tries to determine in which direction the ‘Ingardenian’ concept of exploring the life of a literary work could lead. After reflecting on Vodička’s limitations in his exploration of critical responses to works of literature, the article attempts to outline the ways in which research might be guided to capture the life of literary works at its fullest.


Felix Vodička; Roman Ingarden; concretization; reception theory; the life of a literary work


Felix Vodička; Roman Ingarden; konkretizace; zkoumání ohlasu; život literárního díla




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Úvod > 2019.2.7