Translator Studies as New Core Topic in the Field of Translatology
This study deals with Translator Studies, which have been developing intensively over the past twenty years. It first summarizes the central discussions and topics of this new direction in translatology and gives an overview of its most important representatives. It then focuses on the project Germersheimer Übersetzerlexikon (Germersheim Dictionary of Translators, UeLEX). The biographies of the translators that arise within the project are not only concerned with ‘author and work’, but also show how translators figure in the broader field of translation.The frame of reference for this article on Kafka’s translations into various European languages is the author’s conception of translation studies as a three-stage (‘three-storey’) structure: translation technique (‘ground floor’); translation strategy (‘bel étage’ or ‘main floor’); and translation business, i. e. translation as an organized institution (‘top floor’). The ‘ground floor’ deals with the purely linguistic particularities of Kafka’s texts and the difficulties they present to translators of different target languages. The ‘bel étage’ or ‘main floor’ deals with the genuinely translational decisions made within the framework of what is linguistically possible in order to make the typical ‘kafkaesque’ kind of writing recognizable in other languages. Finally, the ‘top floor’ shows how translations into various languages have helped to make Kafka one of the world’s great writers.
Translator Studies; biography of translators; sociology of translation; Germersheim Dictionary of Translators; Siegfried Lipiner
Translator Studies; biografie překladatelů; sociologie překladu; Germersheimer Übersetzerlexikon; Siegfried Lipiner
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