
>SLOVO A SMYSL 2020 (17) 35

Přeznačený Tvar a Obrys Kmen jako prostor „tvůrčí svobody“? Oficiální kritika sklonku 80. let po roce 1989

Magazine Tvar Rebranded and Obrys‑Kmen as Space for ‘Creative Freedom’?: Official Critique of the Late 1980s After 1989

Lucie Malá




This article deals with the beginnings of the magazines Tvar (Form) and Obrys -Kmen (Contours-Stem), which were founded on the vestiges of defunct periodicals Kmen and Obrys. What they present, for the most part, are editorial statements and positions, as well as metacriticism and profiles on various publications from the diverse medium of literary journals in the context of the newly democratized literary sphere of the 1990s. The aim of this article is to show, using the examples of Tvar and Obrys- -Kmen, how the prominent position and status of official literary criticism and its representatives changed after 1989, as they were cast to the (apparent) periphery of the field.


Tvar, Obrys‑Kmen, redakční prohlášení, kritika, 80. a 90. léta, přechod z totality do demokracie


Tvar; Obrys -Kmen; editorials; reviews; 1980s and 1990s; transition from totalitarianism to democracy




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Úvod > 2020.3.13