
  1. In the MS Word text editor, do not try to imitate the graphic layout which the published text should have, and abandon any attempts at formatting;
  2. The text begins with a title, followed by the author’s first name and surname, his/her institutional affiliation, and finally his/her e-mail address;
  3. This is followed by a résumé and a list of keywords (preferably in English);
  4. The title (and any subtitles or section titles, i.e. titles of individual chapters or sections) is separated by one empty line (enter) and written using the same font size and the same font style as the main text;
  5. The title and subtitle are followed by two empty lines (enters), after which there is the main body of the text itself, beginning with:
    (a) a dedication,
    (b) a motto,
    (c) the first section heading,
    (d) or the first sentence.
    * the motto is to be in the following form: motto (Šalda 1937, pp. 1), or motto (Šalda: O naší moderní kultuře divadelně dramatické, 1937, pp. 1)
  6. This text is written using the font Times New Roman size 12, footnotes are size 10;
  7. Line spacing 1,5;
  8. The individual paragraphs should not be indicated using indentation from the left margin (tabulator), but should simply begin following the enter at the end of the previous paragraph;
  9. If your text has section headings, make sure that either all of them are numbered or none of them are;
  10. For emphasis, only use italics, and only use bold only as an exception (if the effect of italics has worn out, or in the case of emphasis within an italicized section), but never use underlining or   s p a c i n g);
  11. When citing a longer excerpt (3 lines or more), separate it from the main body of the text using a blank space, and write the cited sections using the same size 12 font like so:
    […] Při jedné z mých prvních návštěv u Pavla Eisnera […] otcovskou radu […] (Fischl 1988, pp. 28).
  12. Use quotation marks when citing another text;
  13. In the course of the editing process, the cited sections are made to conform to the current orthographic norms (i.e. its ‘stylistically neutral’ form – see, but titles of the mentioned or cited texts, periodicals and books are left in their original form.
  14. Ways of citing:
    STUDIES, SKETCHES and RETROSPECTIVES (attach an ABSTRACT to studies; in the case of RETROSPECTIVES a list of LITERATURE following all texts – or see the last no. 13) must include (at the end) a list of all SOURCES / LITERATURE
    Fischer, Ernst: Původ a podstata romantismu [or: original year of publication]. NPL, Prague 1966, transl. Alexej Kusák, epilogue Růžena Grebeníčková [list the translator, editor etc. as needed; if included here, there is no need to include it in the text].
    Megill, Alan – McCloskey, Donald: The Rhetoric of History. In: J. S. Nelson – A. Megill – D. N. McCloskey (eds.): The Rhetoric of the Human Sciences. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison 1987, pp. 40–60.
    Mukařovský, Jan: O jazyce básnickém. In: Kapitoly z české poetiky I. Svoboda, Prague 1948, pp. 78–128.
    Moser, Bedřich: O snech. Brejle 5, 1862a, no. 15 (9. 2.), pp. 58.
    It is possible, in fact even desirable, to use shortened citations in the text (including footnotes): (Moser 1862b, pp. 174) or (Megill – McCloskey 1987, pp. 50–51) – with the exception of cases, where it is for some reason useful to include the citation in its entirety. Record repeated citations as: (Ibid.), or: (Ibid, pp. 1).
    The sections QUESTION FOR…, CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES and TRANSLATION INTRODUCTION do not feature a list of SOURCES and LITERATURE, therefore the first citation of a given source in the footnotes must always be in its entirety – referring to the above examples. From the second instance onwards, use: Moser: Můj proces se smrtí, pp. 173 [from a periodical] or Bolton (ed.): Nový historismus, pp. 287 [from a book].
  15. Use italics to write the titles of books, periodicals, individual sections, poetry, short stories, as well as musical, visual and other works.
  16. Differentiate between the dash „ – “ and hyphen  „ – “.
    (a) Use the dash without spaces in the following cases: 1960–1972, pp. 36–39; with spaces e.g. 3rd – 4th Century, in the conjunction of two opposites (e.g. black – white, up – down), in the bibliography between two cities of publication (Paris – London),
    in the bibliography between the names of two authors (Vašíček, Z. – Mayer, F.)
    (b) The hyphen is used to connect words which act as a single concept (e.g. state-of-the-art), and in the standard cases: Anglo-American etc.
  17. Write a full stop at the end of every sentence and use it at the end of every entry in the bibliography.
  18. Please send your manuscripts to
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