
>SLOVO A SMYSL 2022 (19) 39

An Outline of the History of German-Written Jewish Literature from Bohemia and Moravia

Ingeborg Fialová-Fürstová




In my contribution, I provide an enumeration of nodal points for the theme of ‘Jewish literature’ from Bohemia and Moravia, and in rough, basic contours sketch out a developmental line of this literature and place it within a Central European (German language) cultural-historical framework. In my chapter (the propositions of which are mostly familiar to experts in the field) I attempt to provide a kind of literary-historical outline for further, what we might call ‘point contributions’ of this monograph, focusing on individual authors, works, and themes. The fact that I shall mention predominantly works written in German will also perhaps expand the viewpoint on this theme from the perspective of Czech studies, and prospectively provide material for comparison.


German Jewish literature; German literature from Bohemia and Moravia; Prague German literature




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Úvod > 2022.1.2