The journal welcomes two types of contributions: theoretical and historical articles on literature (especially on Czech and Central Europe Literature) and critical reflection of subject publications relevant to these fields. The editors of Word & Sense accept only original texts which have not been published nor are they in the process of being published elsewhere, and, in rare cases where publication can be justified, Czech translations of methodologically inspiring texts previously published in another language, or English translations of Czech texts (including fiction) – in accordance with one of the journal’s objectives, which is to convey material of Czech provenance to a wider, international philological community. Texts intended for the section Studies and Sketches (ideally with a maximum length of 25 standard pages) are accepted for free editorial processing and subsequent publication based on the double-blind peer review process, i.e. two anonymous peer reviews which also take into account the text’s correspondence to the specific (especially thematic) focus of the individual volumes, which are issued biannually (January and September). Texts intended for the section Critical Views (ideally with a maximum length of 7 standard pages) are accepted for editorial processing and publication based on editorial consensus.