Read, Understand, Interpret: The Literary Prose Text in Foreign Language Teaching and Literature Pedagogy
In this study, based on observations of our own pedagogical work, we consider different didactic approaches to the same literary text (the short story ‘From Prague to Brno’ by Jiří Kratochvil) in the teaching of Czech as a foreign language and in the teaching of literature, including analysis of literary texts. The starting point is a comparison of the learning objectives in both of these contexts, followed by a presentation of specific tasks and lines of inquiry vis-à-vis the text, their justification, and analysis of student reactions. In conclusion, we emphasize those aspects that should be considered in the teaching of literary and prose texts, not only by foreign language teachers but also (in our view) teachers of literature and literary interpretation.
Umělecký text v cizojazyčné výuce; výuka narativní analýzy a interpretace literárního textu; čtení s porozuměním; Jiří Kratochvil; česká povídka; vzdělávací kontext; výuková praxe
reading fiction in foreign language courses; teaching narrative analysis and interpretation; text comprehension; Jiří Kratochvil; Czech short story, educational context
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